Julian Jelfs’ Blog

Command-Q without all the other crap

Posted in Uncategorized by julianjelfs on September 18, 2009

Background – I have an iMac, I’ve had it for about a year. Love the shiny hardware, hate the software. The beautiful thing is that all the evangelising in the world cannot make me wrong about this – I HATE MY MAC.

So I reduced the size of my OS X partition to the minimum and installed Windows  7 on it and the relief is enormous.

The one thing I missed was the Command-Q shortcut to close the active window (yes honestly this is the only thing I missed). In windows the shortcut is an irritatingly wrist twisting Alt-F4.

Then I found autohotkey which is a very nice open source tool for scripting hotkeys (and it seems a lot more besides).

All I have to do is drop a script like this:

#q::Send !{F4}

into my start up folder and I have all of the benefits of Mac OS with none of the tedious smug cruft.